Obsessed: Wild Mountain Scots, #1 Page 9
Now, he released them and reached for me, bringing me down to lie on him. I obliged, huddling into him, my knees around his hips and my cheek to his chest.
He hugged me, his muscular arms banding around me.
We were still joined, but he made no complaint.
“Everything’s okay,” he half whispered.
“I’m sorry,” I replied, my voice cracking.
“For what? We’re only lying here.”
His fingers drifted over my spine in soothing repetition. After a minute, my pulse slowed and I exhaled. I trusted this man. Everything he did was in service to someone else. His daughter. My family. Lost or injured people in the mountains.
“I’m freaking out,” I said.
He didn’t reply. Just waited.
Moments passed. We remained in the pose.
Slowly, by degrees, my panic ebbed away.
Lochinvar adjusted me on his chest. The action shifted me on his hard-as-steel dick.
Both of us stilled.
This time, it felt different. His tiny move hit something inside me. A pleasure point. I lifted on my palms and wriggled, trying to find it. Renewed, I rose on my haunches and slid him out then in a few inches.
Yes! There it was again.
Lochinvar pressed his lips together, his nostrils flared.
Hmm. Guess he liked that, too.
I rode him a few more times, chasing the sensation. The solid weight of him changed from feeling weird to essential. None of my previous lovers had been as big as him. None had touched the places he was.
A deep ache formed, but the edge of frustration still affected me. Bringing myself to orgasm like this seemed a million miles from here.
“Need some help?” Lochinvar asked, his low voice rumbling.
“How? I mean yes.”
Slowly, he sat up until we were face to face, me bright-eyed and too aware, him unseeing beneath the silk scarf blindfold. Then he touched me, my shoulders first, then down my sides. He explored my body with his caress until he came to my bra fastener.
“Can I take this off ye?”
“Do it.”
My bra fell away, and he eased back on one arm, palming my breast with his free hand. He ducked to kiss the swell of the other before sucking my nipple into his mouth.
“Oh,” I uttered at the whoosh of lust.
Lochinvar curved his arm around me, taking my weight. He kept on with his attention to my hard nipple but under me, jacked his hips. That same place inside me bloomed with pleasure, doubled now.
I yelped and he did it again. Lochinvar commenced a steady motion, teasing my nipple while fucking me. Hitting the spot over and over. After a moment, the warmth returned to my veins. I gave up a sound of need, surprising myself.
“Grab on to me,” Lochinvar asked.
I wrapped my arms around him, and he left my breasts, his head against mine. Then he pressed his lips to my cheek.
Holding me up, he thrust into me. “Ye dinna have to come. I willnae either. Just feel. Dinna fret.”
He wouldn’t? I didn’t have to? But I wanted it, been cut up because I couldn’t. Then again, I’d had little to no sexual interest before.
My thoughts dissolved as Lochinvar picked up the pace. He clamped me to him, fucking me with increasing power. I hid my face in his neck and held on, allowing the moment to dominate my mind.
Every other thought fled.
Each crash of our bodies put pressure on my clit. Without thinking, I wedged my hand between us and strummed myself. Lochinvar choked on a sound of need.
Like before, his suppressed noise ignited a flurry of fireworks.
He loved this. It was working for him. I’d gotten that masculine groan from him.
Something surrendered in my mind.
Oh God.
Breathless, I chased the feeling, rubbing my clit while he fucked me. Our rhythms joined in perfect unison.
Then, from nowhere, I smashed through a wall of pleasure.
Some kind of strangled cry burst from me, and I pulsed around his dick, coming. There was no space for thought. None. Only a trembling rush of deep satisfaction. Brilliant sparks danced in my vision.
I clutched Lochinvar, shock battling with the need to laugh in delight.
He moved faster. Slack-jawed, I came back to earth.
I’d done it! I’d come.
I’d had sex and liked it.
So much heat had been generated I was surprised the windows hadn’t steamed up.
Then Lochinvar growled and changed his stroke. Still so hard, he pushed his forehead to my shoulder. His breathing accelerated. His firm muscles trembled.
Oh God, I needed him to get there, too.
I held on, silently urging him. My heart rate skittered along, too fast yet perfect.
Lochinvar gripped my backside. “I said I wouldnae come…”
“Forget that. I need ye to.”
He withdrew and slammed into me hard.
We both groaned.
A knock rattled the front door.
“Caitriona?” a voice called.
Lochinvar halted, sweat pouring off him. “Someone just called ye.”
“Oh my God. That’s Ma.”
He loosened his hold, his mouth open, his body poised to ram into mine.
“I’m so sorry,” I babbled. “I invited her for lunch. She’s early.”
He clenched his jaw, eyes still closed. Then he released me to the quilt. “Fuck.” He scrubbed a hand over his face. His dick bobbed, still so hard. “Give me a second.”
I leapt off the bed and snatched my dressing gown from the wardrobe, wrapping it around myself in a hurry.
“Ma has a key,” I explained. “If I don’t answer, she’ll assume I’ve gone for a walk and let herself in.”
Peeking back, I witnessed Lochinvar tear off the condom and finally remove the blindfold from his eyes. Light blazed in them. He lumbered up on legs as unsteady as mine, then pulled on his boxers, jeans, and socks. Finally, he buckled on his toolbelt, presenting a vision I’d see in my dreams tonight.
“I can’t find your t-shirt,” I squeaked.
“Didnae have one.”
Oh shite, he didn’t.
A grin tweaked his lips. Despite the fact we’d been interrupted at a crucial moment, somehow, he was finding this funny.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” I griped.
His amusement increased the more I flapped. “Regretting me already? That’s a blow to my pride.”
“No!” I clamped my hand over my mouth, laughter bubbling up. “Go out the patio doors.”
“Aye, if ye like.”
Argh. I didn’t like. I wanted to continue.
Ma knocked again, and I closed my eyes for a second. “Coming,” I called out the bedroom door.
“Okay,” she yelled back.
“Yeah, ye were,” Lochinvar quipped.
I ran my fingers through my hair. Then I took a deep breath. “I feel like a teenager.”
“Don’t. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
True, except in sexuality terms I was so far behind I couldn’t help but be awkward. I took another calming breath and let my smile out again.
“I’m sorry ye didn’t get to…finish.” I waved a hand.
“So am I. But that wasnae the point, no?” He leaned to peek out of the window at Ma and his forehead wrinkled. “That’s your ma? Scarlet McRae, aye? I met her on a training day. She’s a volunteer.”
“The red hair… Are Max and Maddock your brothers?”
“They are.” I unlocked the patio door.
Lochinvar stayed still. “How did that colouring skip ye?”
Ma had freckles and flame-red hair, my brothers’ a darker auburn. However, she and I had no features in common. I was blonde, two inches taller, my face rounder and more symmetrical, my eyes wider, and green to her blue. No one would ever pick us out as kin.
From anyone else, Lochinvar’s question woul
d bother me, but right now, it didn’t. “Technically, they’re my half-brothers. Ma isn’t my biological mother. That was someone else. But Scarlet raised me. Genetics don’t automatically make a family, right?”
A flash crossed his gaze.
Of recognition, fear, and deep discomfort.
Before I could ask or say a word, Lochinvar spun away and exited my room, stalking over the patio to his place.
Leaving me wondering what the heck I just said.
* * *
I skipped to answer the door to Ma, then made out I was just hopping into the shower, leaving her to make our lunch in the kitchen.
I stripped and washed up in record time, all manner of interesting aches in my body. I’d barely had a chance to process what happened, but fresh pride stole over me while I dressed. I’d had full sex, with a minor blip where my brain checked out, but Lochinvar had helped me through it.
Without getting his.
I should buy him flowers or something.
Chuckling to myself, I thought back to what Aunt Georgia had said. How my birth mother had screwed me up. In your face, Georgia.
I just hadn’t started yet.
At the store in the hangar’s operations room, I stomped about, checking inventory. Outside in the main building, crew shouted to each other and metal clanked, accompanying me as I worked. I’d ordered new kit and binned some old. Then there were boxes that had been stuck on a high shelf, presumably for a reason.
The boxes bothered me—I didn’t like an untidy store. Or loose ends left untied, like the lass I needed to talk to but hadn’t found the chance.
A figure stopped in the doorway. “Mr Ross. Ye wanted to see me.”
My glance revealed Max, who I now knew to be Cait’s brother as well as the not-so helpful one of the twins.
In the past weeks, he’d been present on a couple of missions but had given me less of the backchat as when he’d been with his twin. His surliness hadn’t shifted, though.
There was more going on than I understood, and I intended to work it out. For his sake, and nothing to do with how I liked his sister.
I gave the lad the once-over. “Thanks for coming in. Here, help me with this.”
He followed my indication to the first of the boxes then planted his boot on the bench to grab it from the shelf. “Where do ye want it?”
“On the table. I need to work out what to keep and what to bin.”
Max carried the box to the wide table where we often sorted kit then ripped open the tape. We peered at old, holed jumpsuits and cracked helmets.
“Ye ken how sentimental your Uncle Gordain is?” I asked.
I grunted, an internal debate playing out. At over halfway through my term here, I had taken ownership of the role of head of service and fucking loved it. The volunteers listened to me, I’d updated the ways of working with success, and our last few call-outs had been textbook.
My secondary role of overseeing the hangar’s operations was easy as pie, the place practically running itself.
I’d even gone up in the Sea King with one of the pilots, the buzz unbeatable.
Staying wasn’t on my agenda—there was no role for me here beyond Gordain’s return, and that end date would come quickly enough.
“What are ye going to do with it?” Max asked.
“Chuck it all, perhaps.”
He raised a shoulder. “Your call.”
It was, but this wasn’t my change to make. I was only a small part of the history of this place.
“Stick it back on the shelf,” I ordered. “I’ll mark it up for Gordain to decide on when he returns.”
Max obliged then followed me out to the ops room. “Is that why ye called me here? To not clear out boxes?”
I huffed at his cheek. I had two ways to play this youngster. Either call him out on his attitude problem or try to help him change it.
I folded my arms and eyed him. “I want to designate ye as a runner. Ye live locally, and you’re usually the first here.”
Runners answered the call instantly and attended the scene ahead of the main crew. They’d stabilise an injured or cold person until they could be brought off the hill.
Max was a biker, I’d discovered. Speed appealed to him.
The brawny young man blinked then pushed back his auburn hair. Doubt filled his expression. “I’m Max. Did ye mean to ask for Maddock?”
He considered this. Apparently, I’d stumped him.
“I’ll pair ye up with Cameron for the next few times we need this kind of role. You’re both fast, sharp-eyed, first-aid trained, and ye know the ground.”
“Will ye ask my brother, too?”
“I didnae plan to.” Needing a coffee, I passed Max and slapped the lad on the shoulder. “Ye can answer now, or later, if ye want to think on it.”
His frown deepened. “Aye, no need to think. I’ll do it.”
Inside, I warmed, but I kept my expression stern. “Good. I’ll talk to Cameron.”
“I’ll see him after work in a couple of days. Family dinner at the castle,” he explained.
A family dinner. There were so many McRaes around, I could only imagine the scene of them all sharing a meal. The good feeling. The loud conversation.
A powerful pang hit me of how I missed out. Of how my daughter did.
Yesterday, I’d driven south to check my messages.
Nothing had come in from my sister. She wasn’t the greatest at communications, but this wasn’t like her. I could only assume she’d been deployed somewhere with limited opportunities to send an email.
I stared at my black coffee. Christmas would be upon us soon enough. Snow had claimed its place on the higher grounds. Isla’s birthday was in a week, and I had no idea how to make it special for her. With no note from her aunt, she’d feel it hard.
Dimly, I was aware of Max saying something, but I’d lost myself in my thoughts.
Cait’s voice joining his pulled me back in a rush.
Cait was here.
“Maximus. Shouldn’t ye be at work?” she asked her brother.
“Lunchbreak, Caitriona.” He pulled a face at her. “Why are ye here?”
Kah-tree-nah. Such a pretty fucking name.
Under the bright operation centre lights, Cait’s eyes sparkled. “None of your business. Are ye going to Uncle Callum’s dinner?”
“Aye. He’ll only moan if someone doesn’t show.” He switched his gaze to me. “Did ye need me for anything else, boss?”
“Naw the now. Thanks for stopping by.”
Max left. I stared at Cait in no small amount of wonder. In my months here, she’d never graced the hangar, yet here she was.
Her gaze took in my jumpsuit. The oil on my hands from where I’d poked around one of the helis. She lingered on my lips.
We’d never kissed, despite everything else we’d done.
I wanted her to launch at me. Wind those long legs around my waist and take my mouth with hers. Do everything I’d been dreaming about since our tryst last week.
Except that wasn’t Cait’s style.
It had taken everything in her to instigate sex with me. Bravery that I admired and imagined didn’t come easily considering the background she’d explained.
Every inch of me screamed fuck it, take her in your arms. But I couldn’t.
Anything more with this lass and I’d be in trouble.
A kiss, and I’d be over the edge.
She was so warm. If I fell for her, I’d be fucked. Already, a small kernel of something had taken root. A deep and tender…what? Longing. If I focused too hard on it, it caught my breath. I couldn’t afford to give up that air. For a long time, I’d run on pure energy, the inner part of me cold and untouched. Cait’s heat would melt that, leave me weak.
The conclusion hurt, but it only intensified my resolve. I liked her. Too much.
So I had to end this now.
“Hi,” she whispered.
“Hello, Cait.”
She tilted her head. “If ye want, ye can call me Caitriona.”
“Is that what your family call ye?”
“Aye. Only them.”
Ah God, she twisted a knife without even knowing.
“What do your family call ye?” Curiosity decorated her sweet tone. She pulled her fleece-lined denim jacket tighter around her.
“Lochie. Well, Blair does. My sister. She’s the only one left.”
“I’m sorry. Where is she?”
In a heartbeat, I’d told her more about me than anyone else knew. Information that was dangerous in the wrong hands. Not in hers, though. Without asking, I knew she wouldn’t share a word.
Since last week, I’d been more and more tempted to confide in Cait. I needed advice on my daughter, and with Cait’s situation, her specific family circumstances, she’d know far more than me.
Maybe I could do that on a friend basis.
If only I could get over the longing first.
A laugh came from outside in the hangar, and we straightened, though none of the passion had turned into action.
Cait blew out a breath. “I came here to do two things. First, to check on ye and ask a question.”
“Check on me? Why?”
“Last week, I left ye…” Her cheeks reddened. “Unfulfilled. I regretted that.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I didnae mind.”
She gazed at the floor. “It won’t happen next time.”
Heat flooded me. I spoke through a tight throat. “Next time?”
“I want to offer ye a deal.”
“Cait, stop.”
Cait gave a laugh. “Ye don’t even know the terms.”
Her amusement flickered as if she sensed my mood change. Still, she pushed on.
“I want to try what we did again. Test out a couple of different scenarios I’ve been thinking about. If ye agree.”
Hiding my instant lust, I forced a calm face. “I’m sorry, I cannae.”
“I’m leaving soon. It isnae a good idea.”
For a long moment, we just gazed at each other. I resisted the urge to drag her to the operation room’s floor and have her here, and she simply took me in.